Ég er að taka þátt í vefnámskeiði þennan mánuðinn og þess vegna byrja ég aftur að blogga. Það er semsagt eitt af verkefnum námskeiðsins. Það tók mig smá stund að finna þetta blogg. Ég hélt reyndar að það væri löngu búið að loka því.
Námskeiðið er MOOC námskeið og hér má sjá upplýsingar um það.
This course is as much about exploring and experimenting with the presented mobile apps as much as it is about finding your own apps and sharing those resources with others. It is imperative that you review the syllabus for the course so that you know what is expected of you.
Participants are strongly encouraged to utilize the Open Forum (located in the Discussion area of the course, which can be accessed by clicking "Discussions" in the menu above) to share resources and apps that they have found that may be beneficial to others. There is a tremendous opportunity with this class to share ideas, resources, and experiences with a wide audience. As the course is offered again and again, the content of the course will be revised based on new apps being released and feedback from participants so the material stays fresh. If participants grant permission to Wilkes, a collection of lessons will be posted that everyone could use even after the course is over.
Here is a great overview of what a MOOC is, and I think it would be helpful for you to watch it to get a feel for the difference between an online course and a MOOC. I know it helped me figure out the difference!
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
identify some of ways mobile technologies can be used in the classroom.
utilize mobile apps with teachers and students for teaching, collaboration, and assessment
understand how mobile apps can be used to address the Common Core Standards.
propose suggestions as to how this new technology might be used in their own classrooms.
Watch these video about the transformation of the "backpack" with mobile devices so you can "imagine the possibilities"!
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